SGD300 - Week 11 Devlog


This week was the beginning of planning and designing the project that will be created for task three. Task three consists of show casing the work we designed for task one and two in a new project. My idea was to create a scavanger hunt to show case my contributions to task one and two. My contributions consisted of the Plauer Inputs and Pickup functionality of the game and a few other samll pieces designed for the character. 


1. Create a new project and set up the butbucket repository

2. Create a custom package of my contribtion to the Dungeon Siege game

3. Fix the compilation errors and obtain any missing feature from the Dungeon Siege game

4. Begin designing the scene that will be where the scavanger hunt occurs


Primary - Nathaniel Hughes

Technologies, Tools, and Resources used

Provide resource information for team members who wish to learn additional information from this log.

* [Contributions](Unity Project)

Tasks Undertaken

1. Create new project

2. Create new bitbucket repository

3. package out the resources form the Dungeon Siege prototype

4. Fix errors found in console and retrieve any necessary resource missed the first time

5. Set up the scene the game would take place in

What we found out

I found that finding all the files required to fix the compiling issues were harder to find than previosly considered, in the end I wound-up doing many trips between the two projects finding files i missed all the other times. During this process all the resources froom the first project was very disordered and many duplicates were found that had to be sorted and removed.

My Idea for the project is a simple one that i hope won't be to difficult to implement but i'm nervous that I won't be able to implement what I want to in the end because of dome knowledge that I happen to be missing. The scavanger hunt will use the pickup script I created to pickup  object around the scene. I plan to use an array of the items to be able to display their names using a checklist. When an item is collected, it's name checked and compared to a name in the array and the item will be set to checked. When all items are check a GameOver will appear and the credits will run.

For now I an still setting up the scene and for the first time am acyually experimenting with how to add colors to items and how to use the assets provided to set the scene it has been an interesting experience for sure.  

Solution Justification

The idea of task three is to showcase the contributions of the individual in a new project, therefor it is important to retrieve your work from the prototype to be added to the new project. There will be missing files because your work will be used by other and you will need to find the missing scripts to fix those errors.

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